8:30 – 9:00 h
09:00 – 10:00 h
Moderators: Hugo Cuellar, Juan Macho, Fernando Viñuela
Current indications for mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke: Time for a Paradigm Shift-Precision Medicine.
Raúl Gomes Nogueira.
Direct Transfer to Angio suite to Reduce Workflow and Increase Favorable Clinical Outcome.
Marc Ribó
Management of atherosclerotic stenoses of the posterior territory
Leopoldo Guimaraens.
Discuss / Representative cases
Manuel Moreu
10:00 – 11:00 h
SESSION – II. TOPICS: Thrombectomy Techniques. Update
Moderators: José A Larrea, Federico Ballenilla
TRAP Technique: once you build the set-up for TRAP, you are ready for anything (sponsored by Stryker)
Raúl Gomes Nogueira.
Difficult stroke access: how to deal it
Guilherme Dabus.
Discuss / Representative cases
11:00 – 11:30 h
Coffee Break
Cafeteria of the Faculty of Medicine. Floor -1.
11:30 – 12:00 h
SESSION – III: TOPIC: Symposiums I
Symposium Cerenovus
How technologies are permitting improved rates of revascularization achieving the first-pass effect
Pedro Vega
José Carlos Méndez
12:00 – 13:00 h
SESSION – IV: TOPIC: “Acute Stroke Interventión Evolution”.
Moderators: José Carlos Méndez, Carlos Rodriguez
Thrombectomy, how I did it and how I do it now. What have I changed and why.
Federico Ballenilla
New Class of Radially Adjustable Stentrievers for Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Primary Results of the Multicenter TIGER Trial. (Sponsored by World Medica)
Edgar Samaniego
Thrombectomy results and scientific evidence justify the need to development new tools. What my own experience tells me.
Alberto Gil
13:00 – 14:00 h
Symposium Stryker
REVO NXT/TRAK 21. Evolución y experiencia (sponsored by Striker)
Aurelio Vega
Symposium Penumbra
Challenging cases where aspiration could make the difference
Pedro Navia
14:00 h
Cafeteria of the Faculty of Medicine. Floor -1.
16:00 – 17:00 h
SESSION – VI. TOPIC: Dilemas. Interventional aspects of distal occlusions.
Moderators: Pedro Lylyk, Pedro Vega
Distal Vessel Thrombectomy: Should We Treat Smaller Vessel Occlusions?
Alejandro Gonzalez
Treatment of distal occlusions. Tiger 13 experience.(Sponsored by World Medica)
João Reis
TICI 3 and functional independence. Need for distal thrombectomy. Our experience with the catch Mini. (Sponsored by Balt)
Eva González
17:00 – 19:00 h
SESSION – VII: TOPIC: “Acute Stroke Interventión Challenging cases I”
Moderators: Alberto Gil, Jordi Blasco, Raúl Gomes Nogueira, Eduardo Murias
Speakers: Eduardo Murias, Rosa María Martínez Moreno, José Ángel Larrea, Eva González, Federico Ballenilla, Luis Morales.
19:00 – 19:30 h
Official delivery of the “Fernando Viñuela” Research Award and the appointments of Members of the Advisory Committee of Chair of Interventional Neuroradiology
Friday, 24 September 2021
08:30 – 10:00 h
Moderators: Antonio Moreno, Juan Macho
Stent as recovery therapy after failed thrombectomy
Manuel Moreu
Endovascular management of sinus Thrombosis
Andres Gonzalez Mandly
Treatment of acute stroke during pregnancy.
Marta Aguilar
What constitutes a failed thrombectomy. Are we consider any TICI score below 2b as a failed Thrombectomy.
Alain Bonafé
Representative Cases
Federico Ballenilla, José Ángel Larrea
10:00 – 10:30 h
Symposium Medtronic: “The importance of generating clinical evidence in the launch of new products”
First experiences using the REACT ™ aspiration suction catheter to achieve a complete recanalization
Alejandro Tomasello
Medtronic’s INSPIRE S Registry: Innovative Neurovascular Product Surveillance Registry
Marc Ribó
10:30 – 11:00 h
Coffee Break
Cafeteria of the Faculty of Medicine. Floor -1.
11.30– 12.30h
SESSION – X: TOPICS: The experts´point of view.
Moderators: Sonia Mosteiro, Miguel Castaño
First-pass recanalization effect by thrombectomy in ischemic stroke: a descriptive analysis from the ROSSETTI registry
Jordi Blasco
Acute intracranial dissections
Guillerme Dabus
Use of Flow diverter in acute stroke
Ajay Wakhloo
12.30 – 14.00h
SESSION – XI: TOPIC: Treating patients in the Real World
Moderators: João Reis, Marta Aguilar
How is the real life of the emergency thrombectomy in our hospital?
Alejandro González.
Stroke, vascular dementia and hydrocephalus: innovation in its vascular treatment
Pedro Lylyk
When should we stop trying to open a target vessel?
Hugo Cuellar
Transtenotic of cronically occluded carotids
Edgar Samaniego
Building integrated Stroke Center-USA experience or New Algorithms for Stroke care
Demetrius Lópes
Cafeteria of the Faculty of Medicine. Floor -1.
16:00 – 18:00 h
SESSION – XIII: TOPIC “Acute Stroke Intervention Challeging cases II”
Moderators: Guilherme Dabus, Pedro Lylyk, João Reis , Marta Aguilar
Speakers: Eduardo Murias, Rosa Martinez Moreno, José Ignacio Gallego, Aurelio Vega, Carlos Rodríguez, Joao Reis, Antonio Moreno, Emilio Rodríguez